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(0 Reviews)
Your ideas are powerful. Learn to masterfully deliver your vision and message with the eloquence it deserves. You'll navigate the world of business communications (emails, memos, proposals, etc.) using simple writing tools and techniques.
01:22:02 Hours
Last updated Wed, 20-Nov-2024
(0 Reviews)
In economic, social, cultural, and other contexts, a business model outlines how an organization generates, delivers, and captures value. The economic activity generated by billions of daily internet connections between individuals, businesses, devices, data, and processes.
01:50:29 Hours
Last updated Wed, 20-Nov-2024
(0 Reviews)
In a sport team for example, every player works together seamlessly, each player utilizing their strengths to win the game. A high-performance team functions similarly. The course on Building a High Performance Team is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to create a team that achieves outstanding results.
01:06:16 Hours
Last updated Thu, 21-Nov-2024
(0 Reviews)
Master practical strategies to overcome presentation anxieties, speak confidently without notes, and captivate your audience with memorable and engaging presentations.
00:58:57 Hours
Last updated Wed, 20-Nov-2024
(0 Reviews)
This course will teach you to deliver confident, engaging presentations that captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression.
01:29:06 Hours
Last updated Wed, 20-Nov-2024
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